Sorting complex mixtures of nanoparticles with the 'Kairos' sorterA new revision of the 'Kairos' product datasheet is now available in which 80nm polystyrene fluorescent test beads and other particle populations are shown after being sorted from a mixture of 80nm, 200nm, 240nm and 500nm test beads. The data demonstrate the ability of the 'Kairos' sorter to resolve and sort nanoparticles. Sorting was performed with high speed (7 microsecond) pulses, analogous to a droplet sorter frequency of 140kHz.
(Image shows data from analysis of a sample obtained by sorting 80nm test beads from the nanoparticle mixture)
Jul 2024
A new revision of the 'Kairos' product datasheet is now available in which 80nm polystyrene fluorescent test beads and other particle populations are shown after being sorted from a mixture of 80nm, 200nm, 240nm and 500nm test beads. The data demonstrate the ability of the 'Kairos' sorter to resolve and sort nanoparticles. Sorting was performed with high speed (7 microsecond) pulses, analogous to a droplet sorter frequency of 140kHz.
(Image shows data from analysis of a sample obtained by sorting 80nm test beads from the nanoparticle mixture)