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Customer Quotations

Dr Hon Leong

Dr Hon Leong

London Regional Cancer Program Ontario, Canada

"We have access to other flow cytometers but our microvesicle work demands the sub-micron sensitivity and resolution only offered by ApogeeFlow's A50-Micro. The technical support from ApogeeFlow has always been prompt and effective and the volumetric fluidics and alignment free optics make it easy to use, but above all we chose the A50-Micro because its resolution and sensitivity is outstanding compared to other flow cytometers."

Silvia Montoro-García, PhD

Silvia Montoro-García, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
1. Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Birmingham (UK)
2. Department of Cardiology, Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (Murcia, Spain)

"I started my postdoctoral activity at the Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences (University of Birmingham, UK) in June 2010. My main motivations were to identify the biological value of microvesicles in thrombosis and endothelial dysfunction - especially in the context of atherothrombosis. Microparticle (MPs) analysis is very tricky as their small surface poses a problem for discrimination and labelling. My expertise comprises work with different flow cytometers for MPs. Among all the possibilities, we decided to purchase the ApogeeFlow A50-Micro due to its remarkable discrimination of small particles and due to its volumetric sampling system which avoids the need for counting beads. We have developed a new flow cytometric methodology representing a highly specific and reproducible approach when used with the A50-Micro high resolution flow cytometer (CV<6%). The technical support from ApogeeFlow has allowed the fast and efficient deployment of this technique here in Birmingham, which now represents a core technique that we apply on clinical studies of MPs and which is the focus of collaborations with several groups interested in the field."

Dr Stefano Amalfitano

Dr Stefano Amalfitano

Istituto di Ricerca Sulle Acque (IRSA) del CNR Rome, Italy

"We spent considerable time deciding among all the cytometers on the market. In the end, our choice was ApogeeFlow's A50-Micro. After about two years of use, testing and comparing, I can still say it was the right choice, at least for our research field (aquatic microbiology). It is a powerful and versatile machine for routine analysis and the portability and optical stability are added benefits."

University of Trento

Paola Foladori

University of Trento, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Laura Bruni

Autonomous Province of Trento, Agency for the Treatment of Waste Water

"Our 'A40-Micro' flow cytometer gives the performance we need for measuring small bacteria, assessing their viability and absolute count. It has proven very reliable. After many years of use, we appreciate the high sensitivity not only of the fluorescence signals (for example viability assessment), but also of the light scatter signals."

Researcher, CNRS, France

"The ApogeeFlow A50-Micro has been designed for microbiological applications. It is thus optimized for very small particles such as marine bacteria and viruses. You can [install] a UV laser, very valuable for the analysis of bacteria thanks to dyes such as DAPI or Hoechst. The software is easy to manipulate and very intuitive."

Dutch researcher.

"To be honest, I am truly impressed by both the performance and the solidity of the A50-Micro. To my experience, detection of 100 nm polystyrene beads, after shipping and without optical alignment, is far from trivial for a flow cytometer. I believe there is even room for subtle improvements to optimize the lower detection limit for scattering, for example by illuminating with a 405 nm laser."


Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
Volume 123, January 2025, Pages 422-441
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Zhucheng Lin, Xuan Luo, Jason R. Wickman, Deepa Reddy, Jason T. DaCunza, Richa Pande, Yuzhen Tian, Ezgi E. Kasimoglu, Vivian Triana, Jingyun Lee, Cristina M. Furdui, Desmond Pink, Ahmet Sacan, Seena K. Ajit
Inflammatory pain resolution by mouse serum-derived small extracellular vesicles
Alzheimer's Dement. 2024;1-13
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Dayarathna T, Roseborough AD, Gomes J, et al.
Nanoscale flow cytometry-based quantification of blood-based extracellular vesicle biomarkers distinguishes MCI and Alzheimer's disease
Cytometry. 2023;103(8):670-83
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Pink D, Basu A, Wong M, Pham D, Valencia J, Triana V, et al.
Antibody titrations are critical for microflow cytometric analysis of extracellular vesicles
Neurobiology of Disease
Volume 177, February 2023, 106001
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A.D. Roseborough, Y. Zhu, L. Zhao, S.R. Laviolette, S.H. Pasternak, S.N. Whitehead
Fibrinogen primes the microglial NLRP3 inflammasome and propagates pro-inflammatory signaling via extracellular vesicles: Implications for blood-brain barrier dysfunction
Journal of Neuroinflammation
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A.D.Roseborough, S.J.Myers, R.Khazaee, Y. Zhu, L.Zhao, E.Iorio, F.M.Elahi, S. H.Pasternak and S.N.Whitehead
Plasma derived extracellular vesicle biomarkers of microglia activation in an experimental stroke model
Neurobiology of Disease 177 (2023) 106001
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A.D. Roseborough, Y. Zhu, L. Zhao, S.R. Laviolette, S.H. Pasternak, S.N. Whitehead
Fibrinogen primes the microglial NLRP3 inflammasome and propagates pro-inflammatory signaling via extracellular vesicles: Implications for blood-brain barrier dysfunction
ACS Earth Space Chem
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Serge Nader, Alexandre Baccouche, Fiona Connolly, Maya Abou-Ghanem, Sarah A. Styler, John D. Lewis, Desmond Pink, and Sheref S. Mansy
Model Atmospheric Aerosols Convert to Vesicles upon Entry into Aqueous Solution
Mol Oncol. 2022 Dec 15
DOI: 10.1002/1878-0261.13362
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Robert J Paproski , Desmond Pink , Deborah L Sosnowski , Catalina Vasquez, John D Lewis
Building predictive disease models using extracellular vesicle microscale flow cytometry and machine learning
PubMed PMID: 36408626
DOI: 10.1042/BSR20222185
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Roberto Villalobos-Labra , Ricky Liu , Floor Spaans , Tamara Saez , Anita Quon, Michael Wong , Desmond Pink , John Lewis , Manu Vatish , Sandra T Davidge, Christy-Lynn M Cooke
Placenta-Derived Extracellular Vesicles from Preeclamptic and Healthy Pregnancies Impair ex vivo Vascular Endothelial Function
Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 9781
Yohan Kim, Edwin van der Pol, Ali Arafa, Ishwor Thapa, Cameron J. Britton, Jorgena Kosti, Siyang Song, Vidhu B. Joshi, Ree M. Erickson, Hesham Alie, Fabrice Lucien
Calibration and standardization of extracellular vesicle measurements by flow cytometry for translational prostate cancer research
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 124.
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Jaco Botha, Haley R. Pugsley, Aase Handberg
Conventional, High-Resolution and Imaging Flow Cytometry: Benchmarking Performance in Characterisation of Extracellular Vesicles
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Tailoring of cardiovascular stent material surface by immobilizing exosomes for better pro-endothelialization function
Desmond Pink, Michael Wong, Diana Pham, Renjith Pillai , Leanne Stifanyk, Sylvia Koch, Rebecca Hiebert, Oliver Kenyon, John Lewis
Performance Qualification for Micro Flow Cytometers: Understanding technical limitations to improve your research
Fabrice Lucien-Matteoni et al.
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Ticagrelor attenuates the increase of extracellular vesicle concentrations in plasma after acute myocardial infarction compared to clopidogrel
Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland: Justyna Rosinska, Joanna Maciejewska, Robert Narozny, Krystyna Osztynowicz, Beata Raczak, Slawomir Michalak, Cezary Watala, Wojciech Kozubski, Maria Lukasik
Effect of acetylsalicylic acid intake on platelet derived microvesicles in healthy subjects
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Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland: Justyna Rosinska, Wojciech Ambrosius, Joanna Maciejewska, Robert Narozny, Wojciech Kozubski, Maria Lukasik
Association of platelet-derived microvesicles and their phenotypes with carotid atherosclerosis and recurrent vascular events in patients after ischemic stroke
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Human melanoma-derived ectosomes are enriched with specific glycan epitopes
Preprint: View paper
Desmond Pink, Julien Donnelier, John Lewis, Janice E.A. Braun
Cargo-Loading of Misfolded Proteins into Extracellular Vesicles: The Role of J Proteins
J. of Thrombosis & Haemostasis, 16: 1-10 doi: 10.1111/jth.14009
E . Van Der Pol, A. Sturk, T. Van Leeuwen, R. Nieuwland, F. Coumans for the ISTH-SSC-VB Working Group
Standardization of extracellular vesicle measurements by flow cytometry through vesicle diameter approximation
American Association for Clinical Chemistry doi:10.1373/clinchem.2017.278978
Leonie de Rond, Edwin van der Pol, Chi M. Hau, Zoltan Varga, Auguste Sturk, Ton G. van Leeuwen, Rienk Nieuwland, Frank A.W. Coumans
Comparison of Generic Fluorescent Markers for Detection of Extracellular Vesicles by Flow Cytometry
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Edwin van der Pol, Leonie de Rond, Frank A.W. Coumans, Elmar L. Gool, Anita N. Bing, Auguste Sturk, Rienk Nieuwland, Ton G. van Leeuwen
Absolute sizing and label-free identification of extracellular vesicles by flow cytometry
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Overcoming limitations of microparticle measurement by flow cytometry.
White paper (available from ApogeeFlow on request)
Randal Owens, Branch Chief Clinical & Biological Science Latrecia Stubbs, ADH Microbiology Batia Borel, ADH, Microbiology (Cooperation with LITMUS RAPID-B, LLC)
FERN Level 2 Validation Assessment of the LITMUS RAPID-B E. coli O157 Assay with Nine Product Matrices.
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 8: 1-11
Circulating microparticles in cardiovascular disease: Implications for atherogenesis and atherothrombosis.
Water Research 44 (2010) 3807-3818
P. Foladori, L. Bruni, S. Tamburini, G. Ziglio
Direct quantification of bacterial biomass in influent, effluent and activated sludge of wastewater treatment plants by using flow cytometry.
Seminars in Thrombosis & Haemostasis 36, 8, 807-818
Lacroix et al
Improvement in Resolution of Particles <500nm on new generation flow cytometers
University of Arkansas Medical Sciences (white paper)
Litmus Rapid-B, Marie Chow, PhD Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
Tuberculosis Assay Development Overview.
Water Research 42 (2008) 3757 - 3766
Paola Foladori, Alberto Quaranta, Giuliano Ziglio
Use of silica microspheres having refractive index similar to bacteria for conversion of flow cytometric forward light scatter into biovolume.
WATER RESEARCH 41 (2007) 235 - 243
Paola Foladoria, Bruni Laura, Andreottola, Gianni, Ziglio Giuliano
Effects of sonication on bacteria viability in wastewater treatment plants evaluated by flow cytometry Fecal indicators, wastewater and activated sludge.
PNAS Vol. 104 no. 8, 2939-2944
Magnus Lundgren and Rolf Bernander
Genome-wide transcription map of an archaeal cell cycle.
View paper
Sebastian Breuert, Thorsten Allers, Gabi Spohn, Jorg Soppa
Regulated Polyploidy in Halophilic Archaea Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus.
Current Opinion in Microbiology 2005, 8:662-668
Magnus Lundgren and Rolf Bernander
Archaeal cell cycle progress.
Cytometry Part B (Clinical Cytometry) 68B:43-51 (2005)
Silva Barbesti, Laura Soldini, Guisline Carcelain, Angelique Guignet, Vittorio Colizzi, Barbara Mantelli, Alessandro Corvaglia, Thun Tran-Minh, Fernanda Dorigatti, Brigitte Autran, Adriano Lazzarin, and Alberto Beretta
A Simplified Flow Cytometry Method of CD4 And CD8 Cell Counting Based on Thermoresistant Reagents: Implications for Large Scale Monitoring of HIV Infected Patients in Resource Limited Settings.
Alan I. Majernk, Magnus Lundgren, Paul McDermott, Rolf Bernander and James P. J. Chong
DNA Content and Nucleoid Distribution in Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus.
Roberto Borghese,1* Francesca Borsetti,1 Paola Foladori,2 Giuliano Ziglio,2 and Davide Zannoni1
Effects of the Metalloid Oxyanion Tellurite (TeO32) on Growth Characteristics of the Phototrophic Bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus.
Water Research 36 (2002) 460-468
Giuliano Ziglio, Gianni Andreottola, Silvia Barbesti, Giorgio Boschetti, Laura Bruni, Paola Foladori, Roberta Villa
Assessment of activated sludge viability with flow cytometry.


  • Jan 2009
    Apogee has delivered its first dual laser flow cytometer with 405nm and 488nm lasers. Two simultaneous lasers are now offered to expand the range of applications for Apogee's high sensitivity machines.
  • Dec 2008
    Apogee exhibited its Auto40 model at ICASA in Dakar, 3rd-7th December 2008
  • Mar 2008
    In collaboration with Inodex (France), Apogee exhibited and demonstrated the new 'Auto40' flow cytometer at the '3eme Cours de Retrovirologie Biologique' (3rd March - 2nd April 2008), Dakar, Senegal. This annual course introduces students to the full range of tools and techniques against HIV and attracts world leaders from the scientific community and students from all over west and central Africa.
  • Mar 2007
    New Data Acquisition and Analysis Software (version 1-88) has the ability to overlay data from multiple files.

    This new version has many refinements, but it's main feature is overlaying data from multiple files - a big help when evaluating and presenting your data.
  • Mar 2007
    Apogee presented the A40-MiniFCM to students studying for the "Diplome Universitaire de Retrovirologie Biologique", March 2007, at the CHU Le Dantec Laboratoire de Bacteriologie - Virologie, Dakar.
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